Frequently asked questions

In this section you will find answers to all your questions

Idea and growth stage tech startups are eligible to apply for Neruzh 4.0. Either you already have a team and work on your idea or have found like-minded peers and generated a startup idea, you can apply for the programme. 

Applications should be submitted either in Armenian or English. 

Applications are evaluated by a specialized committee composed of specialists from diverse backgrounds related to technological and business fields. 

After the initial evaluation, 40 startups are selected to visit Armenia and take part in the “Neruzh 6.0” Bootcamp. The Ministry of High-Tech Industry covers the travel and accomodation expenses during the 6-day event for up to 2 team members (from Diaspora) of your startup.

For further questions,  please send an email to neruzh@hti.am.